Moss Point Computer Club Minutes 2021-02-11 Winter 2021 Meeting 0x04 Overall Meeting 0x04 Attendance: 4 Jesse Downing (President) Celina Morrison (President & Treasurer, Millsaps) Edan Collins (Vice President & Secretary, Millsaps) Joel Myers Meeting Start: 7:04PM + "Welcome to the Moss Point tired club. We actually just celebrate various kinds of wheel" - Jesse says it's going to be a short meeting but then it just ended up being a normal length meeting + Went back over last meeting's minutes - Movie night went well, all things considered, including the emotional wreckage + Jesse shows how he's updated his Altair LOGIC.BAS game - Edan: Why-- would you do this to us? You know we don't know shit + Supposedly everybody can make Dokapon except Celina whose technology is still the big sad - Celina just drive to my house to play Dokapon - Edan's microphone flickers violently + Jesse: I feel like a jar of mayonnaise today - Edan: What does that even mean - Jesse: White and not spicy -- literally the opposite of spicy - Jesse: ... and vaguely jar-shaped - Edan: I- I- I was with you, until that final sentence. - Jesse: I politely decline death at my door + Millsaps normally does Spring/Fall semesters - Moss Point CClub is instead doing all four seasons (Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall) - We'll end Winter in March, but we'll try and begin the lessons sometimes in mid-March and end them in mid-April (at least one week before Millsaps' Spring Break) - Jesse keeps showing off his LOGIC.BAS game but nobody wants to play it + We watch Golden Time (2014) and everybody gets depressed - Jesse talks about ethics in technology and also random junk about how different cultures explore storytelling through film - Joel: And with that, this concludes our storytelling session for this meeting Meeting End: 7:56PM