Computer Club Minutes 2/6/2018 Spring 2018 Meeting No. 4 Attendance: 5 - Jesse Downing (President) - Celina "Thicc and Thick" Morrison (Secretary) - Joel "Not Charles" Myers - Robert "Big Booty" Powell - Tatum "Pink Diamond" "Channing" showed up President Jesse Downing officially called the meeting to order on February 6th, 2018 at 6:31 PM + On the Sign-in Sheet, Celina wrote "WTF, do you mean not queer?" - The revelation that Celina is not queer (bi, lesbian, pan, ace, or otherwise) continues + On the Uganda + Robert is Jesse's Very Black© Uncle, Tatum his partner, and Celina his mother + Jesse contemplates becoming a lifeguard + List of who would date Jesse if sexualities lined up - Celina, Tatum, Joel/Charles, and Jesse - Celina- "Everyone should be raising their hands" - Jesse- "The only one who should be raising their hand is me" - Not Robert- though the sexuality already lines up- "Note that I am not raising my hand" - Jesse- "What is a gay?" +Signatures - We are going to get more +Where TF are my Asians - MIA or Off-line - Ignoring him like the hoes they are- except for you, hermano + Ways to Make Jesse Depressed 101 - Make the lights the wrong color + How Old I Joel + Jesse wishes to know - He thought Joel Not Charles was 20 - He is 27 + Movie Night - Officially, February 16th, 2018 - We were not told this; like an unplanned pregnancy, it was sprung on us - Have not met yet as Jesse made the executive decision to sleep till 2 - We have not heard anything back on the raspberry pi - She's my cherry pie *begins stripping routine* + + Jesse's Funeral and Wake - And self-cremation- "I'm apparently so hot that I'll just burst into flames" - "We will be showing my body now" as Jesse collapsed to the floor - "Death called, and I let it go to voicemail. Should I call back?" Jesse + Celina and Chris are Professor X's prodigies - "It's raining men hallujah!" + Get on SDF - "Bitch, I am lazy"- Celina - Also has a cool aNONradio that plays groovy tunes + Celina is Jesse's Oprah President Jesse Downing officially adjourned the meeting on February 6th, 2018 at 7:12 PM