Computer Club Minutes 2019-01-24 Spring 2019 Meeting 0x01 Overall Meeting 0x01C Attendance: - Jesse “Jessithith I'm gonna kill mahself” Downing (President) - Celina “Thicc and Tired” Morrison (Secretary) - Joel “Patron Saint of Caffeine Addicted College Students” Meyers - Jacob “J.A.W.” - Jeremy "with a K" - Damian "The Great and the Fuckable" "General Manager Skeleton, PhD" President Jesse Downing officially called the meeting to order on January 24th, Year of our Lord 2019 at 5:11 PM Agenda - Arcade Night - Still on - Date: February 23rd, 2019 - Rom Hacks - On Hold for the Linux Lessons - If it does happen, it is a team effort - Linux Lessons -Outside People are Allowed -Bring Foreigners- Jesse's misquote of Celina's "We allow the foreigners in" - 4 to 5:30 or 4:30 to 5:30 on Tuesdays - $100-200 mini servers - $14 books (boobs) - $5 signup fee - Table- Leggett- 11-1 Friday, February 1st, 2019 - From February 7th to March 5th roughly "Thank you, Jacob, I am stupid."- Jesse - Activity Fair - But not Open Doors -New Rule: Do not abandon your neopets