Computer Club Minutes 2020-01-16 Written by Edan Collins Spring 2020 Meeting 0x01 Overall Meeting 0x2F President Jesse Downing officially called the meeting to order on January 16th, 2020 at [?] - If you or a loved one has been harmed by a shaking penis, you may qualify for up to $1000 dollars - Another soul join the eternal shitshow - Our illustrious overlord has returned with his boyfriend, ALTAIR 8800 - Wtf is poetry - Viva la Revolution - Programming Lecture - Did I learn addition? The world may never know. I sure as shit don't know multiplication. - Jesse, please sotp causing existential crises - Jesse teaches programming for dummies - Fight for Net Cafe President Jesse Downing officially adjourned the meeting on January 16th, 2020 at [?]