Computer Club Minutes 2020-02-06 Taken from Board Notes Spring 2020 Meeting 0x05 Overall Meeting 0x33 President Jesse Downing officially called the meeting to order on February 6th, 2020 at [?] - PiDP-11 Soldering: 2/9 @ 1:00-4:00 - Seattle Trip: Feb 28-Mar 1 + Net Cafe (Tentative: Mar 16-20) - Equipment + Table Plans - Kava House Reg + Budget (~150-200) - Posters, Food, etc. - LAN Party (Tentative) + Minecraft Server (Tentative - Discord Bridge for Minecraft - #mod-suggestions, #plugin-suggestions - Spigot? - **BEES** - Altair stuff (bases and decimal/hexidecimal, 8800 assembly, etc) President Jesse Downing officially adjourned the meeting on February 6th, 2020 at [?]