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Altair 8800 Livestream - View my Altair 8800 live
Sector Disk - Be a part of the floppy disk net!
Subject X-31 - A comic I've been writing in my head for 4 years now

Social Media

YouTube Channel - My Youtube channel. Random content
SDF Mastodon - Mostly tech stuff
deviantArt - Mostly abandoned, but I sometimes upload art here

Tildeverse and Unixverse

jebug29.sdf.org - My SDF Homepage
tilde.team - My tilde.team Homepage
Quartz on Cosmic.Voyage - Sci-Fi/Fantasy writing

Cool Stuff

ancient.mpcclub.info - HTML 3.2 compliant version of the Moss Point Computer Club website
wherepeopleconversewithjessedowning.com - Converse with me!
只人の物語 - (Tadahito no Monogatari) A group project from my Anime & Contemporary Japanese Visual Culture Class
Dimensionality - Another comic I wrote for the same class around the theme of post-humanism
x29.pw - My personal URL shortener


Ancient Software Place - I made this in middle school
Telecom Inc. Software - This too
